Sunday, August 06, 2006

Activism for Dummies

We Should Get Us One of these Things

The conservatives appear way adhead of us on this one... Wow, who knew it was so easy? You don't even need to "believe" in anything, just be loud about it.

Here's ours:
Activism for Lazy Young Liberals
1. Put up a poster in your window: something to identify you as a liberal person
2. Get used to it: Accept that most idiots and jackasses out there will be refering to you as a "pinko' or a "fag" or a "commie ass hippie." Tell them that you also enjoy eating babies
3. DO NOT reject people of religion: we only hear about people who are completely insane (they're much more interesting) but trust me, there are good people out there
4. REMEMBER what you stand for:
  • Acceptance of people of every creed, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and socio-economic status
    • The drive for a more equal and just society
  • The belief that a society is only as strong as it's weakest members, thus it is to the society's benefit and is the society's responsibility to help the weak and in need
    • The drive for improving public schools, returning to a correctional justice system, and instituting effective and universal drug/heath coverage
      • Yes that might involve raising taxes, deal with it, I can almost guarentee you that the extra few dollars will NOT break the bank
  • A deep, fundamental belief in freedom, and the rights of all living things (humans in particular)
    • The right of women to choose, the right of people to raise their voice in opposition to anything...all rights
      • And until they classify fertilized chicken eggs as "packaged meat" or "livestock," Pro-Life will be a misnomer
  • A faith in the power of diplomacy, compromise, and statesmanship
    • Be polite, talk it over, and try to avoid killing eachother
You get the idea...


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